Monday, November 16, 2009

Old Birmingham Laws

So I had to write this paper for a test grade on the strategies that Civil Rights groups took to remove these dehumanizing laws from existence. Its crazy how far we have come as a people. These Mofo's were Racist as shit. Despite some of the whites and blacks disagreeing with these unjust laws,They just went along with it in fear of getting themselves or family killed.

Here are some of the Laws that people of Birmingham were expected to follow.(pre-civil rights movement.)


----Taken from


It shall be unlawful for any person in charge or control of any room, hall, theater, picture house, auditorium, yard, court, ballpark, public park, or other indoor or outdoor place, to which both white persons and Negroes are admitted, to cause, permit or allow herein or thereon any theatrical performance, picture exhibition, speech or educational or entertainment program of any kind whatsoever, unless such room, hall, theater, picture house, auditorium, yard, court, ball park, or other place, has entrances, exits, and seating or standing sections set aside for and assigned to the use of Negroes, unless the entrances, exits and seating or standing sections set aside for and assigned to the use of white persons are distinctly separated from those set aside for and assigned to the use of Negroes, by well defined physical barriers, and unless the members of each race are affectively restricted and confined to the sections set aside for and assigned to the use of such race.


They had this philosophy of seperate,but equal....Wrong!!!


It shall be unlawful for a Negro and a white person to play together or in company with each other in any game of cards, dice, dominoes or checkers. Any person, who being the owner, proprietor or keeper or superintendent, of any tavern, inn, restaurant, or other public house or public place, or the clerk, servant or employee or such owner, proprietor, keeper or superintendent, knowingly permits a Negro and a white person to play together or in company with each other at any game with cards, dice, dominoes or checkers in his house or on his premises shall, on conviction, be punished as provided in Section 4.

Now this one is Just WACK!!!!I can't play dominoes with my homie just because he's white? guess they got tired of jack johnson kickin ass!!!

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